Alec Burlakoff
Well, I am a man who has to reinvent himself on several occasions. My career began as a teacher and adolescent coach.
Over two decades, I went from cold calling on doctors to leading sales teams, passing along the strategies I learned to generate more than $3 billion worth of sales.
My sales career for big pharma came to a screeching halt when authorities launched a government investigation against the tactics I used to generate more orders. As the Vice President of Sales for Insys Therapeutics, I was the first person to plead guilty to crimes related to how we charged ahead to make higher sales numbers.
What crimes?
I induced physicians to write more prescriptions for the medications that I represented. This practice led to higher sales and higher commissions. It also led to government investigations, criminal prosecutions, federal prison terms, and monetary fines.
The ordeal forced me to recalibrate and make amends for the harm I caused. To begin, I had to introspect. Through that process, I realized how my bad decisions victimized so many people.
Now I spend the majority of my time sharing my true life experiences as a high-flying executive turned white-collar criminal. I later learned that white-collar criminals have huge egos and tend to think we are above the law. I am here to tell my story while at the same time helping in an effort to prevent fraud and minimize risk affiliated with the white-collar offender. Join me in taking an inside look into the mind of a healthcare fraud offender.